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Security Analytics and Data Intelligence

 A robust IoT solution approach should focus not only securing the infrastructure and devices, which forms the base of IoT system, but also should develop the accurate level of data privacy and building trust with regulators and customers. Privacy of user’s identity, payment details and other documents of high importance is at stake with the connection of everyday essential objects with the internet. Thus, IoT security plays the most critical role in implementation of IoT and gaining the customer’s trust.  MasonBlue with the help of our core and extended team aligned by strong partner network, assist in  implement full-cycle unique IoT product designs, development and security analytics.

Internet of Things (IoT) are not Buzz words or fancy gadgets anymore. They are real, and are slowly embracing the day-to-day life of consumer and industrial applications. But, they come with a price.. your security.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent technology trend and advancement in extending  the possibilities of wide variety of computing devices and their usage into our day-to-day lives. Recent developments in many areas including home automation, industrial, healthcare, Insurance, manufacturing and further exploring into several other areas. IoT enablement reduces human intervention in everyday activities. It can be any device ranging from personal computers, phones, and routers to baby monitors, Bluetooth locking systems, autonomous and IoT connected vehicles and more. Though it appears very promising to leverage IoT to enable in our day lives and business to achieve higher productivity, connecting all of these devices through internet, also poses many challenges in terms of security. If these devices are hacked they pose a higher risk for the consumers as well as businesses. Thus, the mixed nature and capacity of the low-end IoT enabled devices and hosts, may not be suitable candidates for many traditional security methods. These open doors for attacks and compromises valuable information.

We leverage all available security options such as Secure booting, Access control, Device authentication, Firewalls and IPS  to secure IoT devices and architecture. 


  • Secure booting: A technology where system firmware checks that the system boot loader is signed with a cryptographic key authorized by a database contained in the firmware. With adequate signature verification in the next stage boot loader(s), kernel, and, potentially, user space, it is possible to prevent the execution of unsigned code. This is very important to ensure the connected device is secure and trusted.


  • Access control: Apply control over access to the system and its parts. A role-based access control built into the OS limit the privileges of device components and applications ensuring access only to the resources required to do the job. If somehow any component is compromised, access control will ensure that the invader has minimal access to other parts of the system. Minimal access required to perform an action should be authorized so as to minimize the impact of any violation of security.


  • Device authentication: While it is easy to get user credentials for authorization the code of device authorization is a bit complex but it works on similar technique as of user authentication. On the basis of user id and a password of the device, it authenticates itself and gets authorized to transmit the data. This way no device needs a user to make way for its credentials.


  • Firewalls and IPS: Just like enterprise IT protocols, every device also needs a firewall or deep packet inspection capability to control traffic that is destined to terminate at the device. The importance of device based IPS is because the needs of the device can be different from that of the whole network. Example, in the case of smart energy grid which has its own set of protocols governing how devices talk to each other


Block-chain as a Security option for IoT


Recent Blockchain technology has attracted the attention of many IoT experts as a new avenue of security for IoT devices.  Typically for IoT device data to be trusted, as they are  interconnected distributed systems, all requests are aggregated into a single location, creating a single point of security intelligence. This is the area where  IoT devices are susceptible to DDOs attacks and other hacks. Blockchain eliminates this single point of decision making by allowing devices to form a group consensus about what is normal within the network while quarantining nodes that are behaving unusually.


IoT security is a major area of concern due to the volume and myriad of devices and networks in the Internet of things (IoT).  Potential risk of large numbers of unsecured devices are a major concern and requires a constant watch. Typically, to improve security, an IoT device that needs to be directly accessible over the Internet, should be segmented into its own network and have network access restricted.

Our capabilities and Approach

In a nutshell,  we deliver hardware enabled apps that harness the power of connected devices to advance lifestyles and empower enterprises.  During this process, we work with out customers, understand their business need, advise and implement a value add in enhancing their productivity,  off course focused on inherent security threats. Our main efforts here are focused on Secured IoT Architecture, Development and Back end Processing, IoT based Solution development, Security analytics 


General Security  Analysis of IoT Systems

The connected ecosystem brings with it diverse sets of devices, capabilities and network protocols posing complex operational and security challenges. MasonBlue's IoT Security solutions blend modern identity management and encryption technologies to help you build connected systems with trust at their roots. We help address data, infrastructure and identity security across environments and devices through their

life cycle


Authentication options

The connected ecosystem brings with it diverse sets of devices, capabilities and network protocols posing complex operational and security challenges. MasonBlue's IoT Security solutions blend modern identity management and encryption technologies to help you build connected systems with trust at their roots. We help address data, infrastructure and identity security across environments and devices through their life cycle


Identity Management

The connected ecosystem brings with it diverse sets of devices, capabilities and network protocols posing complex operational and security challenges. MasonBlue's IoT Security solutions blend modern identity management and encryption technologies to help you build connected systems with trust at their roots. We help address data, infrastructure and identity security across environments and devices through their life cycle


Security Challenges with IoT and Blockchain Model


In today’s increasingly digitized world, use of sensors, connecting low power devices, digitizing them and all other computational “things” to perform tasks and functions, though can help to improve productivity; they are also opening up potential threats. More than establishing helpful IoT systems, running them securely, efficiently and independently takes a higher priority.    Blockchain model and architecture shows promise for easing that burden.


Masonblue is constantly involved in several studies and researches conducted by industry veteran, on different architecture models on Blockchain and shares those with our customers, in an effort to implement them effectively. 


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