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IoT based Solutions and Cloud Security

 A robust IoT solution approach should focus not only securing the infrastructure and devices, which forms the base of IoT system, but also should develop the accurate level of data privacy and building trust with regulators and customers. Privacy of user’s identity, payment details and other documents of high importance is at stake with the connection of everyday essential objects with the internet. Thus, IoT security plays the most critical role in implementation of IoT and gaining the customer’s trust.  MasonBlue with the help of our core and extended team aligned by strong partner network, assist in  implement full-cycle unique IoT product designs, development and security analytics.

Internet of Things (IoT) are not Buzz words or fancy gadgets anymore. They are real, and are slowly embracing the day-to-day life of consumer and industrial applications. But, they come with a price.. your security.

In a nutshell,  we deliver hardware enabled apps that harness the power of connected devices to advance lifestyles and empower enterprises.  During this process, we work with out customers, understand their business need, advise and implement a value add in enhancing their productivity,  off course focused on inherent security threats. Our main efforts here are focused on Secured IoT Architecture, Development and Back end Processing, IoT based Solution development, Security analytics 


Our offerings are in General security analysis of IoT Systems, Device Authentication options, Identity Management, Access Control and many more..


We leverage all available security options such as Secure booting, Access control, Device authentication, Firewalls and IPS  to secure IoT devices and architecture. 



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