Threat Scanning and Vulnerability Management (TSVM) as a Service
Automated Scans for all security breaches and predict the effectiveness of countermeasures
Threat and Vulnerability Management is the cyclical practice of identifying, assessing, classifying, remediating, and mitigating security weaknesses together with fully understanding root cause analysis to address potential flaws in policy, process and, standards – such as configuration standards. You should perform both authenticated and unauthenticated scans, to understand your system vulnerability from inside and outside
Threat Scanning - Why do you need it ?
As the name specifies, Vulnerability scanning is an inspection of your important assets, such as computers and programs (software or hardware), devices, and network to identify security holes at any potential points. Depending on the industry you service, it is necessary for you to protect the information and equipment that may contain your customer's valuable information or any details that may harm them and you. Threat scanning and Vulnerability Management is the cyclical practice of identifying, assessing, classifying, remediating, and mitigating security weaknesses, It helps to fully understand these threats with regards to potential flaws in device, policy, process and standards and helps in predicting and preparing for those threats.
Threat Scanning - as a Service
Utilizing industry standard threat scanner tools, MasonBlue performs authenticated and unauthenticated scans in an effort to identify the threats within your organization.
Unauthenticated method - Scans are performed as an intruder would, without any trusted access to the network. These scans reveal all the vulnerabilities that can be accessed without logging into your network.
Authenticated scan - Scans are performed as an authenticated network user, revealing the vulnerabilities that are accessible to a trusted user, or an intruder that has gained access as a trusted user.
Further our resources are globally dispersed to leverage cost and time, to fit every budget of customers possible. Interested in knowing more about the services Please contact us today
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Irrespective of the size of your organization, Masonblue works collaboratively with you in addressing your security issues.
MasonBlue's Vulnerability Management Services protects you from :
A dormant, passive attack of this nature, can be in your software code, device hardware code implanted by known or unknown threats
Malware, Spyware ,Ransomware, Trojans, Viruses, and Worms
Viruses, worms, Trojans, and bots are all different yet are part of threat software or code called malware.
Denial of Service
denial-of-service attack or (DoS) makes your computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily shutting it down or taking control of it
rootkits and bootkits
A stealth type of malware designed to hide certain features or programs on your computer from regular detection methods, and allow another malicious process to take over.
A malicious code secretly installed on your computer which tracks personal and sensitive information, such as bank and credit account numbers, passwords and corporate data, as you type it into the keyboard.
Screen Scrappers and Web Scrappers
Your screens are being remotely monitored and scrapped to grab sensitive information or use of Web scraping is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a website.
Backdoor Attacks
A malware that not only provides a disguised point of entry for hackers, but can also offer a number of strategies for intrusion
Logic bombs
A logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a software system that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are met.
Payload Attacks
payload can be part of any private user text that contains malware such as worms or viruses meant to perform the malicious action; deleting data, sending spam or encrypting data etc..